I had a nice surprise today. Kirkus Reviews published a review of CATECHISMS . You can see it on their website. The headline says it all, but allow me to quote a little more from their review: "The cast … enthralls, from appealing Jiāo to charmingly gruff Lou Nicosia, a former cop who’s now working a campus security job. Various characters are immersed in all sorts of things, including blackmail, a coverup, and anonymous calls from a burner phone. One player may be hiding sexual proclivities. The exciting final act is pleasantly unexpected, both in terms of its setting and characters. This leads to a coda that’s just as surprising and unforgettable." I hope you agree. There are links on my Books page to BookBaby, Amazon.com (preorder), and Barnes & Noble (preorder).
“A gripping murder mystery with absorbing subplots and a superlative cast.” — Kirkus Reviews
Updated: Aug 10, 2023